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Teacher Education Services

Background Clearance

All candidates must be fingerprinted for a criminal history background check for field placement courses and admission to TEP through the Alabama State Department of Education to the Alabama Bureau of Investigation (ABI) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) pursuant to Act 2002-457. See the link below for additional information regarding the fingerprinting process.

Please note that there are several agencies who complete background checks. Your background check must be completed through the Alabama Department of Education. If you had a background check completed by the Department of Human Resources or other agency, you will need to complete another background check through the Department of Education.

Each applicant will need the following to complete the registration process successfully:
• A computer, tablet, or smartphone with internet access
• A valid email account
• Established AIM account
• Fee of $48.15 (In-State Applicant) and $56.15 (Out-of-State Applicant) paid by Debit card, credit card, or PayPal Account (Prepaid debit cards or credit cards are acceptable)
• Ability to provide their commonly known personal information (SSN, DOB, DL#, Height, Weight, etc.)

Be sure you follow the required sequence below. If you do not, you will not be able to complete the process successfully.
Step 1: Create an AIM Account (also called TCert or TEACH number)
Step 2: Complete Background Check Registration in AIM
Step 3: Create Fieldprint Account
Step 4: Complete authorization forms, schedule appointment, and fee payment
Step 5: Report for fingerprint appointment

Click below for Fingerprint Instructions:

Creating an AIM Account (also called TCert or TEACH number)
Fieldprint Fingerprint Registration Instructions

Candidates may check their status and/or verify background clearance with the Alabama State Department of Education.